Inter-Lawyer Malta Law Firms

London, UK

The International Financial and Business Law Portal started off as a legal content web site for law and business academics, but the site quickly developed into a more ambitious and comprehensive project: a forum where international consultants representing diverse legal systems can interact online, contributing to a central database of legal knowledge and experience and making their contact details available on a public web site. Legal experts from all over the world can now reach their colleagues with tremendous ease, hence the creation of an unparalleled network of legal assistance.

The difficulties encountered by practitioners and academics in mastering the vastness of legal resources on the web are now a problem of the past.  The most comprehensive international compendium of country and law links covering practically all areas of law and most legal systems is available to all members and non-members alike. The regularly updated web directory of international laws and lawyers is evidence of this mission.

Inter-Lawyer is a point of convergence for laws and lawyers. Our vision is to make it more so.