EEC Language Centre

Villa Monaco, Sliema Road, Kappara, SGN06, Malta

+356 2138 5724

+356 2138 5783

At EEC we are committed to achieving the highest standards of education and care for our students. This commitment is supported by the personal full-time involvement of the Principal, the Administration Manager, the Director of Studies and our Service Officer. Our team is directly involved in the day-to-day operations and together we bring to the centre a unique blend of educational expertise and practical business experience.

In EEC, we operate at the highest level of professional standards and teaches english to internationally accepted standards. Our teaching personnel is drawn from the industry and academia, and many have international experience in their field. In drawing up all course plans we take into account the needs and expectations of the language learner. We are confident that if you enroll at EEC you will discover that our experience will enable you to enjoy all of the educational, cultural, recreational and adventurous aspects of life in the Maltese Islands. We are pretty sure that you will enjoy the course you choose. The classes range from traditional teacher-centered learning to small group interactive learning that enable students to fast-track their studies, and gain the best possible results in the time they have.